美國國家老年癡呆照料與護理專業教育講師資格證書 |
在美國祇有取得該證書資格的專業講師,才能夠為美國各地區在該領域工作和提供服務的各類專業人員和護理人員提供最新的,並有獨特專業教育形式和教材的培訓教育,同時有資格為所培訓的人員頒發“美國阿滋海默症和老年癡呆照料和護理的”的專業教育的證書。這些相關專業人員包括醫生,有執照的專業護士與護士助理, 護理員,有學士和碩士學位社會工作者, 心理醫生,心理學家,藥劑師,老年學家,社區工作的個案管理人員,以及病人的家人等與這個領域有關的任何人員提供教育培訓服務。
對於王隅麗女士的講師資格, 以及該組織的培訓以及目前全美有資格專業講師名單,可以到該組織的網站遊覽查詢。
American Longevity Healthcare, Inc. is founded by group American professional health care providers who are medical doctors and gerontologists. We provide unique bilingual consulting services related to the gerontological and geriatric care for the elderly either in America or in Mainland China. Bilingual services (English and Chinese) are available for all professionals and caregivers in the geriatric care settings, either in U.S.A. or in Canada & China. We are Offering seminar & continual trainings on Alzheimer's and dementia care to: Nursing Homes, Assisted Living facilities, Adult Day Health Programs, Home Care agencies, all case managers and social workers, as well as family care givers. Instructor and materials approved by NCCDP.
美国国家老年痴呆照料与护理专业教育讲师资格证书 |
在美国只有取得该证书资格的专业讲师,才能够为美国各地区在该领域工作和提供服务的各类专业人员和护理人员提供最新的,并有独特专业教育形式和教材的培训教育,同时有资格为所培训的人员颁发“美国阿滋海默症和老年痴呆照料和护理的”的专业教育的证书。这些相关专业人员包括医生,有执照的专业护士与护士助理, 护理员,有学士和硕士学位社会工作者, 心理医生,心理学家,药剂师,老年学家,社区工作的个案管理人员,以及病人的家人等与这个领域有关的任何人员提供教育培训服务。
对于王隅丽女士的讲师资格, 以及该组织的培训以及目前全美有资格专业讲师名单,可以到该组织的网站游览查询。
American Longevity Healthcare, Inc. is founded by group American professional health care providers who are medical doctors and gerontologists. We provide unique bilingual consulting services related to the gerontological and geriatric care for the elderly either in America or in Mainland China. Bilingual services (English and Chinese) are available for all professionals and caregivers in the geriatric care settings, either in U.S.A. or in Canada & China. We are Offering seminar & continual trainings on Alzheimer's and dementia care to: Nursing Homes, Assisted Living facilities, Adult Day Health Programs, Home Care agencies, all case managers and social workers, as well as family care givers. Instructor and materials approved by NCCDP.